Wednesday 28 October 2009

Explaining the W frown

The definition from the free Dictionary describes a frown: To wrinkle the brow, as in thought or displeasure.

In my previous blog I explained that when my friend suggested I write a blog I returned her suggestion with my W frown. This is a frown that uncontrolably takes over my brow when I least expect it to. Now I wasn't displeasured nor was I really in thought as the description so clearly describes in the Free Dictionary!

So it seems my W frown is what some would call one of my characteristics. I think that means I do it even when I do not know I'm doing it, perhaps rather like when one picks or bites their nails, grinds their teeth or as some of you will now be doing twidling their hair. However my "endearing" (as my friend politely calls it) characteristc of frowning must occur more often that I first thought. I wonder how many others have this random action of frowning when we don't realise it.

Now I think of myself as a rather good natured and generally happy person most of the time, but as I am sat typing this right now I have a mirror on my dining room wall to the left of me and I have just found myself once again doing this random W frown.

On closer inspection I have now realised that this W has now dented my brow (just at the top of my nose right in the centre of my once wrinkle free face) and I am not sure any amount of Boots Protect and prod, or whatever it's impressive name is, is going to help me. My husband as I speak is painting our bedroom with one of those new paint pod toys and he began this morning by polyfillering-in the big dents that somehow arrived in the wall. (Nothing to do with me kicking my 5' high heels off one night in a drunken stupur) Maybe with some help I could secretly snatch that polyfiller and rectify what is now clearly looking like the grand canyon.

I am finding it quite alarming that I have spent the past probably ten minutes of my life glaring at myself in the mirror on my dining room wall with the curtains open and my neighbours probably wondering why I am staring at myself and also the fact that I am still in my pyjamas which aren't really pyjamas but a miss mash of my husbands old t-shirt and some clean boxer shorts I think he had layed out for himself this morning!!!!

Right I have now gone the complete opposite and am sat here typing with a permanent look of suprise on my face for fear of slipping back to my comfortable W frown position which I must so often do as the dent really is very dented.

I wonder how many of you have been reading this with a frown and are now sat there wondering if you have any frown lines and then looking closely and trying to convince yourself that they are laughter lines. . . . . . But let me tell you my new friends that's a frown line you have just found and although you think your a happy go lucky person your dented forehead is telling you that you frown more than you think.

I will now leave you, hopefully not to spend the rest of the night with a permanent expression of suprise in fear that you too may get a W frown line.

Happy W frown evading.


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